The surest way to kill a conversation at Salt Cellar, the intriguing but uneven steakhouse in St. Paul's Cathedral Hill neighborhood, has nothing to do with introducing politics, religion or some other contentious topic into the dialogue. All you have to do is order the Caesar salad.
It's prepared tableside, and for what feels like a lifetime — OK, it's about five minutes, but you get the idea — you're held captive as a staffer gamely goes through the tedious paces of tossing together the next course.
"Wouldn't you rather watch Ina Garten do this?" asked my friend, and he was right. The Food Network's ability to efficiently and entertainingly transmit culinary expertise into our homes has effectively killed the audience for showy tableside service, or at least put its rooted-in-nostalgia sentiments on life support.
There's another problem: After all that tedium, the salad is a letdown. The problem is the dressing, which is built on a backbone of golden sunflower oil.
"It's the olive oil of Minnesota," said our server, and while that's a charming sentiment, the two oils are hardly equivalents, and if there's one thing that a formula for Caesar Cardini's immortal salad requires, it's a hefty, fruity olive oil.
Still, meals commence on a strong and decidedly steakhouse note. Two, actually, and both herald the restaurant's retro-tinged intentions.
First are the soft, butter-drenched Parker House rolls, teasingly sweet-salty and defiantly irresistible. Second is an ever-evolving relish tray that's mindful of the seasons and reflects chef Alan Bergo's considerable fermentation skills and interests.
Raised on his family's Grove City, Minn., farm, Bergo started cooking as a kid after his grandmother gave him a cookbook to pass the time while he was grounded for some teenaged infraction. "And I never looked back," he said.