NAYTAHWAUSH, MINN. – Kathy Goodwin fiddles with the antenna on the boxy radio by her bed until the sound of powwow drumming cuts through some static.
The thrumming round-dance music sparks a memory: She was driving her Buick to a tiny village on a crisp November day three years ago when she first heard her White Earth tribal station.
"I was cutting through the woods on the road to Pine Point and I just started yelling; I was so happy," she said. "I couldn't believe it. We've got our own radio station. It was a huge pride thing."
Across northern Minnesota's Indian Country that new unifying source of pride is emanating from the old medium of radio. With cellphone service and computer connections often costly and spotty, tribal members on the Leech Lake, Bois Forte, Fond du Lac and White Earth reservations credit new radio stations for preserving their Ojibwe language and strengthening cultural ties since the Federal Communications Commission opened a rare licensing window three years ago.
From creating jobs beyond casinos to spurring hard-hit tribal economies, the FCC sensed radio's potential to level a history of negative treatment that tribes have long endured.
"We're kind of a lifeline for residents who don't have the resources to secure newer modes of service," said George Strong, general manager of KBFT on the Bois Forte Reservation, who hosts the "Rez Rockin' Radio" show up near the Canadian border.
Tribes across the country jumped at the chance to get on the air. Thirty-six tribes submitted 61 applications to the FCC in 2007 for new noncommercial FM stations. When all the permits and frequencies were sorted out, four of the 20 new tribal stations sprouted in Minnesota — joining a patchwork of what's now 53 Rez radio stations from Alaska to Oklahoma.
"There's a universal hunger to be informed and radio right now is really the primary medium for Indian Country because the rest of the technology isn't always there yet on reservations," said Loris Taylor, a Hopi Nation member and president of the Arizona-based Native Public Media nonprofit, which helps tribes secure licenses.