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On Aug. 1, Minnesota law will change to allow bicyclists to proceed past a stop sign without fully stopping when they have the right of way and can proceed safely. Although this change has potential to fuel contention between two classes of road users, it actually offers an opportunity for greater harmony and efficiency all around.
In these times of bitter division, my own perspective is bipartisan on these matters. I'm an avid biker (old-school, pedal-powered) who commutes to work year-round, except when ice and snow make that dicey. I drive a car on those days and on plenty of longer trips all around town. So I'm on the streets in many different situations piloting both two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles.
One complaint I've heard about the new law is that it legitimizes bad practice that cyclists have already been doing. It's true that we bikers prefer to keep moving: Coming to a complete halt means downshifting and the sweaty process of cranking the chain to get back up to speed (and yes, I hear your tiny violin playing). But also, stopping often leads to a standoff in which a cyclist and a driver at right angles of a four-way stop eye each other like two gunslingers in an old Western waiting to see who makes the first move.
In that situation, if a car arrives just ahead of my bike, I have taken to acknowledging their right of way by hanging back five or 10 feet from the intersection, nodding encouragingly, grinning wildly, whatever it takes to get them moving, because it's in my interest, too. If I arrive just before a car that is slowing down in a reassuring manner, I prefer to move along readily so the driver can do the same after I clear out.
The driver's slowdown is important: If I don't feel safe, I have to inch forward with my eye on the car's front bumper (always watch the motor vehicle, not the motorist) until the danger diminishes and we both end up losing precious time. (Is my OCD showing yet?)
The more predictably we behave around each other, the faster we can all get on with our days. And along with the efficiency potential of the new law is greater safety. Studies by the University of California, Berkeley and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that the similar "Idaho Stop" and "Delaware Yield" laws in those states significantly reduced bike-related accidents in the periods following enactment.