Community anger over the death of George Floyd boiled over Tuesday night in Minneapolis, as protesters and officers clashed, lobbing projectiles and tear gas.
Floyd died Monday at HCMC after an officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes, ignoring Floyd's protests that he couldn't breathe. The scene was caught on video and posted online, quickly becoming a national sensation.
Tuesday evening, thousands of people, many of them wearing masks, marched peacefully from the site — outside Cup Foods on Chicago Avenue — to the Police Department's Third Precinct, where tensions quickly escalated.
As rain began to fall, protesters shattered the glass front door of the station and defaced the building. Police squad vehicles were hit with spray paint.
Some protesters climbed on top of the building, while others threw rocks and water bottles at officers in riot gear. Police responded by firing chemical irritants and flash-bang devices, and sending groups scattering to a nearby Target and Arby's, some getting milk to pour into their stinging eyes.
Protesters used Target shopping carts as barricades while the store temporarily closed. The protest waned shortly after 9 p.m. as the crowds dwindled.
Calls for prosecution
During its march, the crowd, which numbered in the thousands, chanted, "I can't breathe" and called for the swift prosecution of the officers involved.
"This will happen again if we don't get out in front of this," said community activist Al Flowers, who called Floyd's death "one of the most egregious murders I've ever seen."