Rumors About a Big Warm-Up

By AccuWeather

March 24, 2010 at 7:25PM

This is more than a rumor. It's a lock. The current unsettled pattern isgoing to break, and the ensuing warm-up will be awesome.First though, a couple more storms will have to be dealt with. One will comethrough the Ohio Valley and East Thursday and Friday. The other will cross theRockies and enter the Great Plains Friday night and Saturday. By the way, thatstorm coming through the West is likely to bring a few more inches of snow tothe greater Denver area.

Once we get those two systems out of the way the weather will suddenly becomeremarkably nice. Warmer air will blossom Sunday across the Southwest, sendingtemperatures soaring toward 80 degrees in places like Las Vegas. In Denver,where it snowed today, it will take a run at 60 Sunday afternoon. The GreatPlains and Midwest will feel the full effects of the warmth Monday and Tuesday,and the East is next in line.

Story by Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.

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