Drizzle slapped against the hood of my jacket and clouds loomed over the massive ore dock in Marquette, Mich., as I arrived at the waterfront. I had an engagement with Gen. George S. Patton — or his yacht, at least. Seth Salzmann, captain of the 63-foot schooner When and If, had invited me aboard in August to sail Lake Superior, bound for the Tall Ships Duluth festival.
Days earlier, Salzmann had texted about engine trouble in Lake Michigan: "Plans are subject to change!" In the nick of time, though, a replacement part had arrived and the boat breezed through the locks at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. But frankly, the map of Superior I'd just seen in the Marquette Maritime Museum — with roughly 200 pegs representing shipwrecks still sitting in the murk — wasn't filling me with confidence.
"It was a little rough up from Green Bay," said the shaggy-haired, sun-bleached Salzmann, clambering up the boat's companionway to greet me. "Half the crew are still down there recovering."
That wasn't helping.
The smallest and oldest (and from what I'd heard, fastest) of all the boats that took part in this summer's Tall Ships Challenge throughout the Great Lakes, the sleek When and If is the 1939 creation of legendary New England shipbuilder John Alden. Patton ordered it built before he led his Third Army to victory in World War II. And though I wasn't exactly going off to war, I could sure use one of the general's legendary pep talks.
"She's graceful, but she's a warrior, just like her owner," Salzmann told me and a few locals who'd stopped by to gawk at the ship. Salzmann, 31, doesn't look nearly old enough to be a captain, but he's leased the yacht since 2010. "She was built for one reason: to sail around the world." Last winter, the When and If crew members tested its mettle at regattas in Cuba, handily beating the America, the self-proclaimed "America's Fastest Schooner." I figured they'd be mortified when they saw how I always belay ropes the wrong way around the peg.
The crew also included Tall Ships America intern Ben Shaiman. He spent his summer tall-ship-hopping, from the Brig Niagara of Erie, Pa., to the Pride of Baltimore II, to the Denis Sullivan of Milwaukee. His mother called him his first night aboard.
"She asked me, 'Are you battening down the hatches?' " he recalled. "I said, 'Don't be silly, Mom. Nobody uses battens on their hatches anymore.' "