The sale of 435 acres in Rosemount paves the way for a sprawling new development with upwards of 2,000 houses and apartments and a new elementary school on land that was owned by the University of Minnesota.
"The site is the single largest proposal we've had in Rosemount," said Eric Van Oss, economic development coordinator for the city. "And the property is probably one of the bigger development sites in the metro area."
The closing comes after several years of creating a master plan for the site, which is part of a much larger redevelopment project in the city. Basic elements of the proposed project, known as Amber Fields, were approved last fall.
In addition to the housing and a badly needed elementary school, the project will also include upwards of 100,000 square feet of commercial space, parks and open space.
"You don't see many nearly 500-acre sites anymore," said Twin Cities-based Mario Cocchiarella, CEO at Maplewood Development, which paid $13.1 million for four parcels through an entity called Earl Street Partners, according to a certificate of real estate value filed Tuesday.
Cocchiarella said that if weather cooperates, he'll start building roads and other key infrastructure in late February.
The first order of business, he said, it to build a "spine road" and water main toward the north end of the site. Most of the multifamily housing — traditional rental apartments, townhouses and single-family rentals — and commercial development will be north of that new road.
Cocchiarella estimated that 20 to 25% of the housing on the site will be rentals, but most will be for-sale houses. He noted that all of the "vertical construction" will be handled by other builders.