"Romancing the Stone" (1984) As a roguish adventurer, Douglas displays action-hero chops, sarcastic humor and youthful romantic appeal. "Fatal Attraction" (1987) Glenn Close got the most attention for her psycho-stalker woman spurned, but Douglas makes her adulterous target an understandably flawed antihero.
Selected Michael Douglas movies
Michael Douglas has appeared in more than 50 movies. Here are five standouts for your Netflix list:
"Falling Down" (1993) As an angry everyman at war with society, Douglas utters a line that defines many of his roles. His likable vigilante can't fathom why the cops are after him. "I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?"
"Traffic" (2000) Douglas plays a conservative judge appointed the U.S. drug-war czar, only to learn that his daughter is an addict. A strong dramatic turn, prophetically echoing his son Cameron's drug conviction this April.
"Wonder Boys" (2000) As a hapless novelist and literature professor, Douglas displays his rarely seen warm and fuzzy side. He riffs wonderfully with co-stars Robert Downey Jr., Frances McDormand and Rip Torn.