The new owner of Burnsville Center plans to sell some stand-alone buildings and perhaps land surrounding the mall as it moves forward with plans to save the struggling mall.
New York-based Kohan Retail Investment Group bought the distressed property at a foreclosure auction in the fall for about $17 million.
Earlier this month, it started to work with the city of Burnsville and anchor spaces, which are owned separately, to figure out how best to use the property.
The Burnsville City Council hosted a work session on Feb. 9, and invited the Burnsville Center's stakeholders to meet virtually and talk about the potential revitalization of the aging shopping mall.
Mike Kohan, who attended with business partner Felix Reznick, said the goal is to increase traffic and tenants and find alternative uses for space where retail has not worked.
"I don't want to call it a puzzle because it's a community, but it is a bit of a puzzle," Reznick said.
The mall has been mired in recent years with vacancies as the retail industry evolves. It lost anchor Sears in 2017 and Gordmans last year.
CBL Properties, which owned the main portions of the mall, cited declining income because of temporary store closures during the pandemic as a reason for missed mortgage payments.