Within six months on probation, Brian Fullman had seen the error of his ways.
But a nonviolent felony drug conviction in his youth earned him 6 ½ more years of close supervision, and he had a long way to go.
"I felt it was more about them waiting to send me back," said Fullman, now an organizer for the interfaith group Isaiah Minnesota. "It was very inhumane."
Starting Aug. 1, most felons sentenced to probation will be spared a similar fate.
The Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission on Thursday approved a presumptive five-year cap on felony probation lengths, a move advocates say will limit the disparate nature of punishment in the state by providing more consistency in sentencing.
The 8-3 vote passed a measure that would, in most circumstances, limit probation terms for all felons, except for those convicted of homicides or sex offenses. Unless the Legislature overrules its decision, new guidelines automatically take effect this summer.
"We are proposing a big change for Minnesota, but it's not a big change nationally," said Commission Chair Kelly Lyn Mitchell. "We are very much behind the curve of what modern probation should be."
The decision puts Minnesota in line with peer states like Iowa and Missouri, which have already implemented five-year probation caps. However, the guidelines are not retroactive, meaning that an estimated 50,000 Minnesotans now serving felony probation sentences would not benefit.