WASECA, Minn. – Rod Carew is a "damn fool" for playing for as little as he pays him; ballplayers should take advantage of free love rather than get married and have their performance suffer like Butch Wynegar; Billy Martin "never punched anyone his own size"; the stadium commission "can go to hell," and the Minnesota Twins decided to come to Minnesota "when I found out you only had 15,000 blacks here."
Those are some of the unexpurgated views of Minnesota Twins owner Calvin Griffith, delivered Thursday night at a meeting of the Waseca Lions Club.
One might have expected Griffith to use his appearance at the meeting to try to keep alive some interest in professional baseball after the dismal season experienced by his ball club this year. Instead, the Twins owner delivered a 40-minute tirade in which he denigrated nearly every Twins player, insulted Waseca's local baseball hero and poor-mouthed nearly every aspect of the national pastime that was brought up.
Griffith's diatribe drew a number of nervous laughs from the Waseca Lions but left some of them wondering whether he even likes baseball. "He dwelt on all of the unpleasant subjects and never brought up the more positive aspects of baseball," Edgar Johnson, retired chairman of Waseca's E.F. Johnson Co., said after the meeting.
Another local businessman, shaking his head after the meeting, said Griffith "made it clear that although he doesn't have anything against blacks, he sure hates the poor bastards. I can see why he has trouble with some of his players after listening to him talk."
That comment was prompted by Griffith's response to a seemingly innocuous question from a Lion who wanted to know why Griffith had brought the old Washington Senators to Minnesota in 1961.
Griffith responded by attacking sportswriters for suggesting the Twins might leave Minnesota someday.
"They've got all the ink and all the typewriters but they don't have all the truth," Griffith said. "There's no damn place in the country worth moving too. They talk about us moving to New Orleans, but what's wrong with that is ..."