The eggplants have finally arrived.
September's fruits finally arrive.
The eggplants have finally arrived.

This growing season was weird. We had a super cold, wet spring; temps in August so high plants stopped production; and nothing for eggplants until the end of September. Because I try to cram all the vegetable production I can into my little backyard garden space, I know that the eggplants would be crowded by peppers and spinach but I didn't anticipate such low production!
I clipped back the gorgeous purple eggplant flowers at the end of August hoping that would push out at least one fruit. And that's all I got -- one. And... it's only about 3" long. We aren't supposed to have frost for a while, so I'll let it grow; but my dreams of eggplant parmesan and lasagne are dashed.
As with any garden, there is always hope. My Brussels Sprouts are doing great. I have four plants that I nestled beside my zucchini. After frost and a freezer full of shredded logs, I pulled the plants. The sprouts took over. They like the cold and the space.
Every year, like fellow Greengirl Martha, I tell myself to write things down. What went well, what didn't and where things were located in my garden. I found an online service for garden journals. Maybe I should try that out.

How about you? Take a minute and send us your Highlight and/or Lowlight for this 2011. Maybe collectively we will create our own journal and be able to check back next year into the archives!