Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchinson has agreed to reimburse the county for a vehicle he destroyed while he was driving under the influence of alcohol.
Sheriff to pay back Hennepin County for destroyed SUV
Sheriff Dave Hutchinson crashed the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

Hutchinson, 41, will pay $47,711.69 for the vehicle, according to an agreement signed by the sheriff on Tuesday. The county will deduct $250 from Hutchinson's biweekly paycheck starting Feb. 18 and when he no longer works for the county, payments will be $500 per month until paid in full.
The original value of the sheriff's county-owned 2021 Ford Explorer was $67,665.13. After the crash it was determined it was a total loss, according to the agreement.
The Sheriff's Office paid $22,137 toward a future replacement of the vehicle before the crash and the "remaining replacement cost" plus towing and storage fees is what Hutchinson owes. The amount may decrease if the county sells the SUV, and Hutchinson does not have to pay interest.
The sheriff crashed the vehicle in December after drinking at a sheriffs' conference in Alexandria, Minn. He pleaded guilty to fourth-degree misdemeanor drunken-driving charges and was sentenced to two years' probation.
He recently announced he will not be seeking re-election. He has said he will not resign from his position despite calls from multiple County Board members that he do so.
Hutchinson took office in 2019 after narrowly defeating longtime incumbent Rich Stanek. The sheriff is paid $188,775 annually to oversee a department of 800 employees with an annual budget of $127 million.