
Side roads: Smithsonian exhibit

February 15, 2008 at 9:28PM

Smithsonian exhibit New Ulm, Minn.

Visitors can sample New Ulm's food history during the Smithsonian Institution's traveling exhibit "Key Ingredients: America by Food" through April 5 at the Brown County Historical Society Museum. The exhibit highlights food from around the country through photographs, artifacts and illustrations; a companion exhibit features local items and artifacts that document the influence of food on the town's history (1-507-233-2616;

Snowmobiles and golf Brainerd, Minn.

Snowmobilers and golf fans will gather for two days of winter fun and fundraising during the Gull Lake Frozen Fore March 1 and 2 in Brainerd. Participants can tee off (with a tennis ball) at one or nine businesses and resorts, play games and order food before heading to the next location by snowmobile or shuttle. Registration, $35. Proceeds benefit three local charities that work with youths to develop confidence through outdoor education and recreation (1-218-828-2344; www.gulllakefrozen

Music and movement Duluth

Families can relieve cabin fever at Fun Fair March 1-2 in Duluth. The event includes a carnival, music, stage shows and exhibits by community service organizations at the Duluth Entertainment Center. Admission is $4. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday (1-218-727-1177;

Making tracks on the trail Grand Marais, Minn.

Winter activities will be offered along the Gunflint Trail during the Winter Tracks Festival Feb. 28 through March 3. Dozens of area businesses and resorts will offer snowshoeing, dogsled rides, trout fishing, a wolf howl, children's activities and more. Indoor activities include seminars, a radio show, seminars and a dance (1-800-338-6932;

about the writer

about the writer

Colleen A. Coles, Star Tribune


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