Valerie Shirley does her best work under pressure.
"I've never needed a whole lot of sleep," she said, "and that works in my favor."
Good thing, since the 54-year-old St. Paul resident and mother of five departs by 6:15 a.m. weekdays to teach the deaf and hard of hearing at Osseo Middle School in Maple Grove. After a full day, she returns to St. Paul and logs several hours with the nonprofit she founded in 2013, Minnesota Deaf Muslim Community (MDMC), which creates communication opportunities and access for deaf people of color in the Twin Cities.
"I did not do it alone," said Shirley. "I got together with a group of seven deaf Muslims and asked if they would join me.
"I've learned a lot over the last eight years; we were flying the plane while we built it."
Shirley's passion emerged from a place of personal pain. The Chicago native moved to St. Paul in 1997, escaping pervasive crime and drugs, when her daughters were 11 and 3.
"There are some beautiful places to live in Chicago," said Shirley, "but it's not beautiful and safe there without a lot of money."
Shirley finished her bachelor's degree in elementary education at the University of Minnesota and had begun teaching when her fourth child and second son, Musab, arrived in 2001.