Snow forecast and weather warnings map

This web map forecasts how much snow will fall in the next couple of days. Navigate to the second map for current weather warnings from the National Weather Services.
You can navigate this map by panning and zooming, using the plus and minus button or click on the map to see the forecast snow amount or click on a warning area to get in-depth information for each site then click on MORE INFO to open a link to the latest NWS alerts and data.

March 5, 2018 at 11:16PM
(Raymond Grumney/The Minnesota Star Tribune)
about the writer

about the writer

Raymond Grumney

News Graphics Director

Ray Grumney is the news graphics director at the Star Tribune, with a proven 30-year award-winning track record. He is a driven visual journalist focused on developing and implementing high-impact design solutions to sometimes complicated data-driven stories.

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