Snow Map for the Northeast Blizzard, or Snowicane

By AccuWeather

February 25, 2010 at 1:25PM

A very strong nor'easter will dump moderate to heavy snow across a large partof the Northeast today and Friday, while high winds add to the fierce winterweather. Some meteorologists have even been referring to thestorm as a "snowicane" rather than a blizzard, in order to express the fierceextent of the snow and wind expected from the storm.The zone from northwestern New Jersey and the Poconos in northeasternPennsylvania to the Catskills of New York and a strip across upstate New York,spanning Syracuse, will get buried by 1-2 feet of snow. The Green and Whitemountains in New England will also get 1-2 feet of snow.

Between the paralyzing amount of snow and high winds, people are likely tobecome stranded and roads may be closed in these hardest-hit areas. Blowing anddrifting snow will add to the dangerous travel both during and after thestorm.

Moderate to heavy amounts of snow, totaling 6-12 inches, will fall across awider area of the Northeast, including the West Virginia mountains,northeastern Ohio, a good part of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, andnorthern New England. Philadelphia and New York City will lie in this zone.

Atlantic City and Pittsburgh are among the cities that will get 3-6 inches.

Story by Meteorologist Meghan Evans.

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