Rosemount may soon become home to the largest solar array in the metro area — a 314-acre tract of panels that would help power the Pine Bend Refinery.
The City Council approved the necessary permit this week. Flint Hills Resources, which owns Pine Bend Refinery and would also own the solar array, will decide whether to move ahead with the 45-megawatt project in the coming weeks.
Flint Hills Resources already owns the property where the solar project would be located — acreage west of the refinery and bisected by Rich Valley Boulevard that is mostly leased for farming.
"Solar developers for years have been approaching us about potential projects for them," said Jake Reint, vice president of public affairs for Flint Hills. "In the last year, we got really more focused on owning our own solar and incorporating it directly into our refinery operations."
Officials at Flint Hills believe going solar can make their company more competitive, since electricity is 18% more expensive for industrial users in Minnesota than the national average. The solar array could provide 40% of the power to run Pine Bend when the sun is shining, he said.
"We're in a commodity business," he said. "Efficiency is really important to us."
The solar panels would be between 9 and 14 feet tall, depending on their angle, Reint said. Plans call for pollinator-friendly habitat to be planted between them.
Reint said the company has an advisory council made up of community members and that group has had positive feedback about the project.