Q: Walking through a large metro nature area, I thought I saw a bluebird around Christmastime. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
A: You certainly could have seen an Eastern bluebird that late in the year, since not all bluebirds migrate away in the fall. Most Christmas Bird Counts for our area report a few bluebirds each December and bird-watchers sometimes report groups of these beautiful birds throughout the winter. They're hardy little thrushes and as long as they can find food (usually berries in this season) and water to drink, they manage to survive our harsh conditions.

Winter hummingbirds?
Q: What's the latest that a hummingbird has been seen in Minnesota? I think I saw one around Halloween, which seems late.
A: I assume you mean ruby-throated hummingbirds, the species we see in summer and fall in Minnesota. Ruby-throats begin to migrate south as early as mid-August, and most have left the state by the end of September, although in most years we see stragglers well into October. It's difficult to pinpoint "latest" dates, but "Birds in Minnesota" by Robert Janssen lists a ruby-throat in Winona on Nov. 14, 2012.
Other hummingbird species sometimes appear during winter months in Minnesota: For instance, Laura Erickson, Duluth's renowned birder, radio host and author, hosted a rufous hummingbird at her nectar feeders from early November to Dec. 4 last year. This is primarily a Western bird that breeds as far north as Alaska, but there are other records of them in Minnesota, including at Erickson's feeders in 2004. Scientists are still puzzling out what causes such "walkabouts" in some hummingbirds.

Pigeon problems
Q: I'm a snowbird with a second home in Arizona, where I enjoy feeding the quail, partridges, grackles and finches. But I'm having a severe problem with pigeons — they hang out at the nearby mall, then come in and overwhelm the feeders. I saw a device online that is said to drive pigeons away. What do you think about this approach?