Sometimes things go so wrong that you don't want to look, even when you don't have any stake in what's unfolding. This is going to be a test of that reflex because, unless you're a follower of high school football in Arkansas, all you are is an observer to what happened at the end of a state football playoff game on Friday.
Sometimes taking a knee can blow up in your face
The unlikely ending to this high school football playoff game is a reminder that even the right idea has to be done in the right way. Or else.

Here's what happened:
Fayetteville High School was about to move on to the second round of the state playoffs with a 35-34 victory over Little Rock Central. It was all over but the kneeling. The difference in the 35-34 score was a missed extra point by the Central kicker.
One more knee was all that was needed to run out the clock and advance to the next round..
The team lined up in victory formation – with three players surrounding the quarterback, including one a few yards back in case something went wrong with the snap. That didn't happen.
The quarterback took the snap, took a couple of steps back and took a knee.
We'll let you watch and listen to what happened next.
We'll only share these three lines from the audio that you'll hear by playing the video.
"Ohhhh, boy."
"Ohhhh, no."
"Oh, my gawd. Oh, my gawd."
Have a look and listen:
If the video isn't enough, you can read more about the game by tapping here.