When Alec Smith turned 26 last May and aged out of his parents' health insurance, he discovered that he couldn't afford coverage of his own. Within weeks, he was trying to ration his diabetes medication because he couldn't afford a $1,300 refill.
A month later, the young restaurant manager was dead. An autopsy found he suffered a critical shortage of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar and energy in the body.
Now, Smith's mother is speaking out against the high and rising prices of prescription drugs and calling for legislation to prevent excessive price increases for essential medications. "The price of insulin has gone up over 1,200 percent in 20 years," said Nicole Smith-Holt of Richfield. "It's not affordable. You're price-gouging people who need this one product to live, to survive."
Drugmakers have faced growing pressure over the past year to rein in price hikes, particularly for older drugs such as insulin and epinephrine allergy injections, which have become more expensive without fundamentally changing. After accusing manufacturers of "getting away with murder" last year, President Donald Trump is expected in a speech Friday to offer new proposals for addressing costs. Minnesota lawmakers have crafted bills as well.
But advocates believe more pressure is needed at a time when drugmakers, distributors and pharmacists have few financial incentives to change.
"There is so much money involved in health care and so many different competing interests that it's really going to be tough to get the kind of change we need without significant external pressure," said Dr. Vikas Saini of the Right Care Alliance, a national advocacy group that has targeted the cost of insulin. Activists affiliated with the group plan to rally Saturday morning at the State Capitol.
Eli Lilly and Co., a major manufacturer of insulin medication, agrees with the need for expanded access but argues that manufacturers aren't solely responsible, a spokesman said.
While Lilly's list price for Humalog synthetic insulin has increased, its average price received, after discounts and rebates are paid, has gone down since 2009, said spokesman Greg Kueterman.