Q: I have a Fluance RT85 turntable and am very happy with the sound, but it is sensitive to footfall when I walk across the room. What can I do to isolate it better?
A: You can make an inexpensive turntable isolation shelf with an APTITLIG Butcher Block Cutting Board and a set of Vibrapod Isolator Isolation Feet. The butcher block is $21.95 at Ikea, and a set of four Vibrapods is $24 on Amazon. Balance the butcher block on the Vibrapods, check that it is level with a bubble level, place the turntable on top of it and check again to make sure it has stayed level.

This inexpensive DIY project can be remarkably effective. The first time I set up one of these improvised isolation stands the sound was clearer, more delicate, and the bass was stronger. It was almost like I had upgraded the stylus.

There are other options, of course. The ultimate in isolation for footfall is a wall shelf. The Pangea Audio Turntable Wall Mounted Premier SE Shelf MKII is $199.95 and would be a great match for your turntable. (pangeaaudio.com)

Bluetooth problems

Q: In one of your columns years ago you mentioned the Oontz Angle 3 Ultra speakers, so I bought a pair. I recently bought a new computer system with Windows 11. Because the speakers were no longer Bluetooth-compatible with it, I went to the Oontz website and updated the speakers according to their directions.

The update did not work, and now the speakers no longer work with either my computer or my iPhone, nor do they even sync with each other. I went through a number of emails with an Oontz customer service person and performed several suggested updates that did not fix the problem. In the end, they said that was all they could do and offered a small discount on a new set of speakers.

Is this what I can expect when buying Bluetooth products? I am very hesitant to buy anything Bluetooth again. Have others had this problem?
A: Bluetooth tends to be pretty solid across devices, even over time as new products are introduced as both source and playback devices.

The most noteworthy and vexing problem I have had is when I use my iPhone 11 Pro Max in my 2013 car. The Bluetooth audio for music playback works flawlessly, but ever since I got the phone, it has never worked properly for hands-free calling. The connection drops unpredictably, and when I switch to the phone manually it will sometimes switch back to the car against my will. I have been testing car adapters with my phone, and all have worked well, including some that add CarPlay capability to an older car. I will have more information about the adapters in upcoming columns.

For new speakers, check out the $42.99 Soundcore Flare Mini, my favorite small speaker. Two of them can also be used as a stereo pair. Visit soundcore.com.

Send questions to Don Lindich at donlindich@gmail.com. Get recommendations and read past columns at soundadvicenews.com.