Spain police dog wins British award for bravery for detecting bomb on Mallorca island in 2009

June 11, 2013 at 1:40PM

MOSTOLES, Spain — Ajax has a nose for trouble.

The retired Spanish police dog has received a prestigious award by a British animal charity group in recognition of his bravery and skill.

The bushy-coated, black-and-gold German Shepherd detected a bomb on the Spanish island of Mallorca only hours after two officers were killed in a terror attack on July 30, 2009.

The 12-year-old dog found the bomb planted under a car by the armed Basque group ETA in the town of Palma Nova.

He was decorated with the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals' Gold Medal at a ceremony Tuesday on the outskirts of Madrid.

Ajax is the 22nd dog to receive the award.

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