Dozens of states have rushed to legalize sports betting since the United States Supreme Court ruled five years ago that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 was unconstitutional.
Now there are only 12 states where it is still illegal to gamble on sports, including Minnesota. Will that change? Some supporters in the state say yes — and as soon as early this year.
Sports betting already has a growing presence in the Minnesota sports scene. An ad for a sports betting-focused casino is painted on the Target Center floor. It took all of two minutes into a Twins playoff broadcast this fall for the TV announcer to promote a sportsbook website, and a blitz of gambling company commercials hit Vikings game viewers every weekend this season.
Legislatures around the country are weighing the pros of tax revenue and personal freedom vs. the cons of vice and addiction. Here's where things stand in Minnesota and elsewhere when it comes to betting on sports:
Where is sports betting legal?
Currently, 38 states and the District of Columbia allow or have signed legislation to allow some form of legalized sports gambling. The states that don't allow it? Minnesota, Alabama, Alaska, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.
How can you bet on sports?
There are two primary methods of sports gambling: online via mobile apps or placing bets in person at a casino sportsbook. Of the 38 states that allow it, 24 allow for both mobile and in-person wagering. Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming currently allow only mobile wagering. And several states — including North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin — only allow sports gambling in casinos, or on land owned by American Indian tribes. "Legalization" comes in various flavors, in other words.
In mobile-betting states, they will track your location to make sure you are within a certain border. In other states, bets have to be made in person. Rules are ever-changing, rarely fixed and debates often contentious.
Did teams reverse course?
Yes. Pro and college sports teams are lining up to promote legalization after resisting ties to sports gambling for decades. Why? Millions of reasons, all of them including dollar signs. Casinos want new customers and they'll advertise at high volume, and high cost, to fans of these teams and through those teams. Meanwhile, pro athletes are getting suspended (NFL) and college players arrested in several states (Iowa, notably) after placing bets. Leagues and colleges are quickly trying to educate athletes as the ground shifts.