There were a couple of undertold stories during the prolonged budget wrangling at the Minnesota Legislature that shaped the caregiving duties — for children and for elderly relatives — faced by many of the state's workers.
One failed the state's vulnerable, lowest-income preschoolers.
The Legislature provided about $500 million in one-time federal COVID-19 aid to child-care providers and an additional $1.2 billion for K-12 public schools, on top of earlier federal relief.
There was also was about $1 billion in tax cuts and about $1 billion in federal money being carried over to future years.
Yet, the Legislature unwisely declined to appropriate more money to ensure that the 35,000-plus lowest-income kids get at least two years of scholarships to use at accredited day care/early-learning providers to help prepare them for kindergarten.
The state provides about $70 million annually for such "Parent Aware" scholarships to cover qualifying families. And economic research has found that quality preschool education can help close Minnesota's yawning racial gaps in education and income.
About 20 years ago, economists determined that $1 invested in quality preschool for disadvantaged kids returns up to $16 to taxpayers. Kids who aren't ready for kindergarten cost the public disproportionately because they tend to drop out of school, get in trouble and fall short of their economic potential. They are disproportionately students of color.
"Despite historic levels of new resources available, and more than $1 billion in flexible federal funds still left unspent, Minnesota's most vulnerable young children weren't a top priority for legislators," said Ericca Maas, executive director of Close Gaps by 5, which advocates for early-learning providers.