A half hour before the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud was set to close Thursday, the cats started pouring in.
For hours, the cats, which law enforcement and the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies had removed from a home in Crosby earlier in the day, kept coming. Off a trailer and into the shelter, with a dozen staffers staying until almost midnight to help with vaccinations and antibiotics. In all, 94 felines filled the shelter’s cat kennels and then some.
The group included two litters of nursing kittens. Staff tried the best they could to match each kitten with the proper mother.
“We had to get them food and water and in a clean space — they hadn’t been in a clean space,” said Marit Ortega, executive director of the Tri-County Humane Society, adding that some cats had fleas and respiratory infections. “They’re in rough shape, but it could have been worse. When we were done, we walked through and took stock. To see so many of them relaxed and sleeping — they’re in a really good place now.”
Along with the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies, Crosby police had executed a search warrant after reports of animal cruelty and neglect. In addition to the 94 living cats, eight dead ones were found inside. A news release from Crosby police did not detail what happened to the person hoarding the cats, and Police Chief Michael Van Horn declined to comment Friday.
The animals needed a place to go, and the shelter in St. Cloud had had space, having expanded in 2020.
“We had no idea what we were saying yes to,” Ortega said. “Surprisingly, they’re all friendly. We didn’t have trouble handling any of them.”
One had a microchip. Staffers located the cat’s owner, who had lost the cat seven years ago. The owner immediately drove to St. Cloud to pick it up.