St. Louis Park will soon require landlords to give renters more notice before they file for evictions over late payments.
St. Louis Park requires landlords to give tenants more notice before eviction
Renters told the city that more time might help them scrape together payments if they are behind on rent because of a sudden hardship.
The city currently requires landlords to give tenants seven days’ notice before they file for eviction. Starting in November, landlords will have to give 30 days’ notice and use a form prepared by the city.
“This is a tough ordinance,” Council Member Lynette Dumalag, the only person to vote against the change, said during a meeting this week. “At least for me, personally, I felt that it pits those that care about affordable housing against one another.”
In public hearings and other forums, city leaders heard from renters who said the current requirements didn’t give them enough time to scrape together payments if they face a sudden hardship, such as losing a job. They also heard from at least one landlord who said he might have to increase deposits because he already struggles to make ends meet when renters fall behind on payments.
The change passed 4-1. Council Member Tim Brausen and Mayor Nadia Mohamed were absent.
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