A St. Olaf College professor tapped to promote debate about "highly controversial subjects" through conversations with guest speakers is being removed from his leadership position a year early, reigniting debate of how colleges handle free speech.
Philosophy and religion professor Edmund Santurri was set to serve as director of St. Olaf's Institute for Freedom and Community through August 2023, but the private college's president, David Anderson, recently chose to rescind Santurri's appointment. His term as director will now conclude at the end of this semester. He will remain an active faculty member.
Santurri said he thinks a February virtual conversation with Australian philosopher Peter Singer, and a campus uproar that surrounded it, was the "tipping point" for his removal.
Singer's work has been credited for inspiring the animal-rights movement and encouraging people in wealthy countries to donate to global charities. But Singer has also expressed some highly controversial views, such as proposing that parents should have the right to end the lives of children born with severe disabilities.
"This institute is charged precisely with bringing to the campus … positions that the campus is not inclined to consider," Santurri said. "That's the whole point of the institute, so there are going to be controversies."
The St. Olaf institute hosted Singer as part of its spring 2022 "contemporary controversies" conversation series. In March, the institute hosted John McWhorter, a Black Columbia University linguistics professor who has argued that certain anti-racist ideas can be racist and stifle debate, as well as a conversation between two prominent historians about the New York Times' 1619 Project.
In an e-mailed statement, Anderson said Santurri's removal was "not the result of the current Institute director's decision to host any controversial speaker." He noted the college let all of the institute's spring events go on as planned.
"St. Olaf College fully supports the Institute and its mission of exploring diverse ideas, encouraging free inquiry and promoting civil discourse through a wide range of programs and events," Anderson said. "The college is searching for a new director who will support that mission and seek to build the Institute's profile, effectiveness and impact on our students."