After a long career, Dr. Dennis Cross is now doing what he calls "my most meaningful work."
The Woodbury doctor, 72, cares for hospice patients through Our Lady of Peace in St. Paul; he considers their families to be his patients as well.
Hospice has become a welcome option that millions of families seek for end-of-life care. But significantly fewer people of color choose hospice for themselves or their loved ones. According to the Minnesota Network of Hospice and Palliative care, 53% of Minnesota white patients used Medicare hospice benefits at the end of life compared to 38% of patients of color. That Minnesota gap is slightly larger than on the national level.
Dr. Cross talked about racial disparities in this aspect of medicine and the efforts to share the value and comfort of hospice with communities of color.
Q: Why do you think a disproportionate number of people of color have not embraced hospice care?
A: There are many reasons for the reluctance. One of the big ones is the idea that taking care of a loved one at the end of life is the family's job and responsibility, they should do it all. I tell people, you can participate in the plan we tailor for your mom or granddad, you can be very involved with their personal needs, but let us help.
Q: A recent study by geriatric researchers at Duke University concluded that Black Americans are more likely to experience untreated pain at the end of life because of the disparity in using hospice. What explains that?
A: There's a different philosophy and approach in hospice than in a hospital setting where curing the patient is the goal. In hospice, comfort is the goal.