The St. Paul City Council is poised to vote Wednesday on a set of changes that will water down the rent-control ordinance voters approved less than a year ago.
After months of a fierce citywide debate, the council will consider a suite of proposed amendments that eliminate key components of the original law, including a 20-year exemption for new housing and a provision that would allow landlords to raise rents up to 8% plus inflation if a tenant moves out.
The decision could be among the most controversial in recent history for the seven-member council, all of whom will be up for re-election next year. Rent-control advocates, who championed their ballot box victory over a nearly $4 million opposition campaign, have urged officials to respect the will of the voters.
"These proposed changes cater directly to the scare tactics of the landlord lobby and big developers who want to protect their supposed right to unlimited profits," Juan Luis Rivera-Reyes, coalition organizer with The Alliance, told the council earlier this month. The Minneapolis-based nonprofit was a founding members of the grassroots campaign for rent control.
Many developers and landlords, meanwhile, have said the council's proposed amendments do not go far enough to prevent harmful effects they say rent control is already having on St. Paul's housing market.
"Rent control is a temporary salve for affordability, but will have devastating effects on development of new rental housing," said a letter to the council from the Excelsior Group, a St. Louis Park-based developer that earlier this year canceled plans to purchase a St. Paul site for new apartments.
The council has heard testimony from dozens of community members on the proposed changes. There will be a public hearing before Wednesday's vote.
Leaders divided