Just hours old, Hanna and Rowan made New Year's Day media debuts Wednesday as the first newborns to receive $50 in savings accounts as part of St. Paul's College Bound program.
"It is still largely a symbol, but I think symbolic support is extremely valuable," Hanna's dad, Paul Heggeseth, said as he held the sleeping, swaddled infant next to his wife, Brianna, in their hospital room.
The Heggeseths along with Mary and Chee Vang, parents of Rowan, allowed a throng of reporters and TV cameras into their hospital rooms as part of St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter's morning news conference to tout the program that has been in the works since he commissioned a task force to study the issue in May 2018.
At his briefing in the lobby at Regions Hospital, Carter called the College Bound launch a "large community partnership." The $1 million annual program is funded with $500,000 from the state and additional money and administrative support from private foundations and the city.
Similar programs have been launched in cities such as St. Louis and San Francisco but are too new to determine efficacy. Carter said the San Francisco program had spurred $4 million in college savings. It wasn't clear how much of that was encouraged by the program or the abundant tech wealth in the Bay Area.
Carter said that a child with more than $1 in a college savings account is three times as likely to attend college. Reps. Kaohly Her and Dave Pinto, both DFL-St. Paul, stood with Carter at the news conference along with hospital and insurance executives.
Pinto said the hope is to eventually establish the program statewide.
There are 5,000 children born in St. Paul annually, all of whom will receive the $50. There's also a plan to make bonus deposits for children and families who actively participate in the savings by checking balances and making deposits, Carter said.