They drove around the block looking for street parking before heading into a ramp. Then they lined up out front in the cold waiting for a pat-down, a wristband and a hand stamp.
Once inside, the patrons stopped at the long back bar or headed upstairs looking for a shorter line. Then came time to scope out a vantage point. Near the back of the main floor by the soundboard? Down the side and then push in toward the front? Or up in the balcony near the railing to look down on the action?
Anticipation built as production manager Conrad Sverkerson — known to bands around the world for his accommodating, no-nonsense ways — looked over the stage one last time. Finally, the house music died, the stage went dark, and the room came to life with the opening chords or booming beats of the opening act.
Sound familiar? Of course it does.
After three straight nights of grand reopening concerts, it's already clear where the Palace Theatre stands among Twin Cities music venues. The new crown jewel of downtown St. Paul nightlife really isn't comparable to other theaters in town such as the Orpheum, State or Fitzgerald. Instead, the Palace should simply be known as First Avenue East.
While competitors including Live Nation and AEG have tried to replicate the formula of Minneapolis' legendary rock hall at such forgotten venues as the Quest and Mill City Nights, one company has finally come up with a pretty good copycat: First Avenue itself.
The Palace is nearly double First Ave in size (2,800-person capacity, compared to 1,500), but the newly reborn, 101-year-old theater feels remarkably akin to the 46-year-old Minneapolis nightclub. This is exactly what Mayor Chris Coleman and St. Paul staff wanted when they hired First Ave to manage their new $15 million civic-project-meets-historic-preservation-meets-hipster-bait.
There's a grittiness to the theater that's similar to the club, with walls and ceiling that proudly show off the deterioration from 30 years of closure, and a vast, open main floor that's one big free-for-all.