Hailey Gabriel’s spirit soars when she powerfully bangs the drums in her taiko class. She knows, however, that not everyone loves the boom, boom, booming.
“We make a lot of noise,” said Gabriel, a student and board member at TaikoArts Midwest. “We keep getting kicked out.”
Taiko’s true believers call it a high-energy performance art that combines music, dance, martial arts, athletics and culture. To ensure that it can finally find a permanent home, TaikoArts Midwest plans to renovate a vacant warehouse in St. Paul’s North End. But a request for state bonding to cover half the $4 million price tag is languishing.
So much so that its Senate sponsor, Sen. Sandra Pappas, DFL-St. Paul, on Tuesday said the organization will likely have to wait until 2025.
While she supports TaikoArts Midwest’s effort to secure state bonding money, Pappas said in a statement that the Legislature “is grappling with serious water, road and community needs across the state.”
She added: “We are not able to accommodate nonprofit requests as the Legislature did in 2023. I look forward to having that cash availability again next year.”
That likely leaves TaikoArts scrambling for an interim solution. Currently the group shares rented space at 655 Fairview Av. N. with another drum group, said Jennifer Weir, its executive and artistic director.
The organization’s lease expires in March 2025. Weir said the group bought a vacant warehouse at 449 Front Av. during the pandemic, with plans to soundproof it to ensure neighborhood peace while also expanding programming to make it a true community resource. They’ve raised $500,000 so far to do the work, Weir said.