The entry doors at El Rio Vista Recreation Center on St. Paul's West Side were boarded up Saturday, the smell of fresh-cut lumber wafting through the lobby.
On Friday night, someone shattered the glass in a drive-by shooting, leaving three teenagers hospitalized. The shooting took place at a memorial reception for Devin Scott, a 15-year-old boy who was stabbed to death Feb. 10 at Harding High School.
Soon after the shooting, St. Paul police arrested a teenage boy nearby, but the nature of his involvement was not immediately clear. A police spokesman said Saturday that no further arrests had been made and he had no other updates on the investigation.
Shocked by the shooting, city residents wonder what can be done to stop the cycle of youth violence plaguing St. Paul. Although no easy answers seem apparent, some held out hope that a combination of personal action, community activism and political will can make a difference.
"One of the biggest problems is, there's not as many dads in the household," said Bob Cruz, president of the West Side Boosters, an all-volunteer group that provides programming and activities for more than 800 youths. "Your mom can only do so much. If mom's working two jobs, who's watching that baby?"
Cruz set up a table at the rec center Saturday with cookies and orange juice for parents, children and anyone else who wanted to talk about keeping the community safe. The shooters, he said, "weren't West Side kids," but guns don't care who's pointing them.
"We've got to change these gun laws," Cruz said. "It's crazy to me how easy it is to get a gun. You're cool if you get a gun."
The media, he and others said, can help by reporting positive events more often, rather than showing up only in the wake of a tragedy.