Stacy Schiff was working as an editor at Simon & Schuster in New York when the idea first tiptoed into her brain. She had been rereading the works of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the French aviator who wrote the enormously popular fable "The Little Prince," when it occurred to her that his dramatic and too-short life would make a great book.
Schiff meant to suggest the idea to an agent for another writer to do, but something kept stopping her. "I started to get very possessive about it," she said. "There was this burgeoning obsession of not only do I want this book, but I actually would like to be the one to write it myself."
She began spending her lunch breaks poking around at the library, "and I just started falling down in the way that always happens with biography -- you become obsessed with someone else's life." It was a remarkable obsession for her; she had never intended to write a book. Twenty-one years later, she has written four, all biographies and each one widely praised.
The most recent, "Cleopatra: A Life," was the most challenging.
Schiff took on a subject who not only left behind no documents but who also had been written about hundreds of times.
The trick with any biography is to know that there is something new to say. But when she starts a new book, "I don't know," Schiff said. "Which is why I don't sleep at night."
First draft in longhand
Schiff's office is a block from the New York Public Library. It's where she plows through her bulging files of meticulous notes, writes and rewrites, stares out the window as she solves some particularly thorny riddle of a subject's life.