Opinion editor's note: Editorial endorsements represent the opinions of the Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom. The board bases its endorsement decisions on candidate interviews and other reporting.
Sometimes-deadly encounters between police and citizens, including the tragic 2020 murder of George Floyd, have brought intense scrutiny to the Hennepin County Attorney's Office in recent years. While many are calling for criminal justice reform, the office has also been pressured to aggressively prosecute those responsible for increased crime. It'll be a critical balancing act for the county's next top prosecutor.
County Attorney Mike Freeman is not running for re-election after nearly 24 years of nonconcurrent terms since 1991. Seven candidates have stepped up to replace him, each promising a different type of leadership. From that field, voters will select one on the Aug. 9 primary ballot, and the top two vote-getters will face off in the Nov. 8 general election.
In the Star Tribune Editorial Board's view, the two candidates who should advance are Martha Holton Dimick and Ryan Winkler.
The Hennepin County attorney oversees a $65 million budget and a staff of about 460 — including about 200 attorneys. It's responsible for prosecuting felonies committed by adults and all juvenile crimes while also providing legal services for county government and advocacy for crime victims.
Dimick is a retired district judge with extensive experience handling criminal cases. She's also worked in private practice, as a prosecutor for Hennepin County and as a Minneapolis deputy city attorney.
Dimick told the Editorial Board that she would prioritize public safety by working with law enforcement to prosecute violent and repeat offenders. She values restorative justice and finding effective alternatives to incarceration for low-level, nonviolent offenders, but she wouldn't be soft on crime.