The Legislature passed a sweeping package of police accountability measures early Tuesday morning following two months of touch-and-go negotiations after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
The bill, one of the most substantial changes to the state's criminal justice system in years, includes a statewide ban on chokeholds and neck restraints — such as the one used on Floyd — and a prohibition on warrior-style training for officers. It enhances data collection around deadly force encounters, requires officers to intervene and creates a new state unit to investigate such cases. The bill boosts funding for crisis intervention training, creates a panel of expert arbitrators to handle police misconduct cases and establishes incentives for officers to live in the communities they police.
The House approved the measure 102 to 29 just before midnight. The Senate passed it 60 to 7 a couple of hours later and sent the bill this morning to Gov. Tim Walz.
The hard-fought passage came after weeks of legislative impasse that had already derailed another special session in June — one that was initially called to review Walz's extension of his emergency powers. But the continuing outrage over Floyd's killing kept up the pressure on the only divided legislature in the nation to find common ground when Walz extended the state of emergency again in July.
"We've never stopped working on this, whether we were in session or out of session. That's something we all felt was important," said Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-East Gull Lake.
Democrats' original policing proposal went further, including provisions to restore voting rights for felons and giving the responsibility for prosecuting deadly force cases to the attorney general's office. Republicans in the Senate said they insisted that the final deal wouldn't adopt any language being considered in Minneapolis to dismantle police departments, despite the fact that there was no provision in the DFL bill to do so.
They pushed deal-making and votes late into the night Monday, after Senate Republicans imposed a deadline of midnight to either pass a deal or go home empty-handed.
"Some of us believe that you can always do more, but members this is a good bill," said Rep. Rena Moran, DFL-St Paul. "This is a beginning, this is not the end."