A simmering dispute between Gov. Tim Walz and Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea prompted the postponement this week of the state pardon board's first scheduled meeting of the year.
The two — who with Attorney General Keith Ellison form the three-person board — are at odds over how to respond to a recent court ruling that the state law requiring pardon seekers to win unanimous approval from the board is unconstitutional.
Days before the three officials were scheduled to consider 34 applications on Monday, Gildea wrote in a letter to Walz and Ellison that the board had "no choice but to postpone" until the appellate process ran its course after the Ramsey County District Court ruling in April.
"Given that ruling, we cannot give applicants certainty on their requests for relief and taking preliminary steps on applications risks doubt as to the effectiveness of those steps," Gildea wrote in a June 15 letter obtained by the Star Tribune.
The April ruling came in a lawsuit filed by a woman seeking a pardon for a manslaughter sentence she served for killing her husband after she said he stabbed and raped her. Amreya Shefa sued after her pardon request was denied despite Walz and Ellison casting votes in her favor while Gildea voted against her case.
Gildea's letter prompted a sharply worded rebuke from Walz late last week in which he wrote that he was "disappointed" at the news that the chief justice was "refusing" to attend Monday's meeting. He added that Gildea had "construed" the Ramsey County court ruling to mean that the board could not meet or grant pardons.
"Your position is unfounded, and it is also directly harmful to the applicants who have a right to have their applications heard in a timely manner," Walz wrote on June 17. "Pardons to deserving applicants have an immeasurable impact on their lives. People who have pardons granted often leave the meeting in tears, knowing they received redemption and a second chance after demonstrating hard-earned rehabilitation from crimes committed decades ago. The individuals who would have been heard this month have had their applications pending for at least six months. These are real people with real stories."
Walz backs majority vote
Walz has supported Shefa's court challenge and has also called for legislation that would allow pardon applications to be approved by majority, not unanimous, votes.