The discovery of seven tumors on her liver forced Jean Hehn to make some tough financial choices: Pay her medical bill or pay rent. Pay her medical bill or buy groceries. Pay her medical bill or put gas in her car.
But the state of Minnesota took that choice away from Hehn when it started seizing her state income tax refund to pay an overdue bill with Regions Hospital.
The first time it happened, Hehn said she was shocked — and then angry — that the state had the power to act as a debt collector for private health care companies. When she told close friends about her experience, some confessed privately that it had happened to them as well.
"It's kind of that deep, dark secret that no one wants to talk about because they're ashamed," Hehn said.
Between 2014 and 2019 the Minnesota Department of Revenue took $81.6 million in refunds from about 24,000 taxpayers per year to pay medical debt that some of the state's largest private nonprofit hospitals said they were owed. Some Minnesotans had refunds seized more than once, the Department of Revenue said.
Regions Hospital, owned by HealthPartners, received $21.4 million through the state's revenue-recapture program during that period. Allina Medical Transportation received $9.2 million, and North Memorial Ambulance $11.4 million, according to a Star Tribune analysis of revenue department data.
Only one other state, South Carolina, takes individual tax refunds on behalf of private health care companies.
In Minnesota, hospitals and other health care firms do not need a court judgment or order before retaining the state to take tax refunds on their behalf. The Revenue Department, which earns a $15 fee for every collection made through its revenue-recapture program, does not check to ensure a health provider's claim is valid before seizing a refund, said Sara Westly, director of the agency's collection division.