DULUTH – A parade of vintage replica ships will converge on the Duluth waterfront in July, the return of the Festival of Sail Duluth — set to be the first major event in the harbor following the renovation of the seawall behind the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center.
Tall ships festival will return to Duluth in July
Festival of Sail Duluth is July 10-13 and will include old-timey replicas.

The festival, which in the past has drawn thousands of ship-gazers to Duluth’s shoreline, is July 10-13 and includes a parade of sails, tours, daytrips and general gawking. This year’s lineup includes Gen. George Patton’s schooner When and If, Pride of Baltimore II, Inland Seas, Ernestina-Morrisey, St. Lawrence II and more.
Tours of the William A. Irvin, Duluth’s bulk-freighter-turned-floating museum, will also be available, according to Draw Events. Vendors, entertainment and a craft beer garden are also planned, according to organizers from Draw Events.
Tickets are on sale at festofsaleduluth.com.
This event was held in Two Harbors in 2022 while Duluth navigated a multimillion-dollar project to tend to about 1,000 feet of eroded seawall and to add a paths and landscaping to the harborside space. This year’s festival marks the sixth time it has been held in Duluth.
The Western Reserve was en route to Two Harbors when it was lost during an August storm, leaving only one survivor.