Target Corp. is the dominant employer in downtown Minneapolis. The 10,000 people on its headquarters payroll are a prime clientele for bars and restaurants around Nicollet Mall. Many of them live in the urban core.
So the company's newly announced plan to empty thousands of desks over the next two years could significantly interrupt the momentum of an increasingly vibrant city center.
"They're the No. 1 employer — that's the whole story. They are the anchor downtown," said Russ Nelson, president of NTH real estate and project management. "There are Target vendors, the other professionals that serve them, the lawyers."
Downtown business owners and property managers expressed a mix of sympathy and uncertainty Wednesday, the day after Target revealed that "several thousand" jobs will be cut over the next two years as part of a $2 billion cost-cutting effort.
Target owns most of 3.5 million square feet of real estate it occupies downtown, tempering worry of a sudden swell in vacated office space. It's unclear how quickly the company will cut, or just how deeply.
But even at conservative estimates of what "several thousand" could mean, 2,000 fewer workers is a 20 percent reduction in the company's downtown staff and will have an impact.
"Anyone would be lying if they didn't think it was a big event," said Peter Kelly, co-owner of The News Room, a restaurant with front doors facing Target's main office. "There will be an impact on business, but it will be long and slow."
The company owns Target Plaza (two towers on Nicollet Mall between S. 10th and 11th streets) and 1001 Nicollet, which some refer to as Target's playpen. It also has long-term leases at 33 S. 6th and 50 S. 10th streets, where it fills about 900,000 and 450,000 square feet, respectively.