This week's Taste of the Past looks back to 1979.
"Decorations give holiday a worldy flair" was the headline above an April 11, 1979 story about decorative Easter eggs from Latvia and Ukraine, under the byline of Minneapolis Star news assistant Ilga Eglitis (that name can only mean that she was of Latvian descent). Here's the Latvian portion of the story:
Although the calendar says spring arrived weeks ago, Easter usually is considered to be the official usher of the season.
It is universally celebrated as the day all of nature begins to blossom after a long, cold rest.
People of different nations have their own ways of dyeing and decorating eggs before offering them to friends and famiy at Easter as gifts to admire, eat or use in egg-rolling games.

The customs for coloring Latvian Lieldienu olas (meaning Easter eggs) and Ukranian pysanky are generations old.
There's nothing to buy when making the Latvian version; nearly everything you'll need is already in your kitchen cupboards and drawers.
Dried outer skins from yellow onions are a must. Most Latvian families save the skins all year to ensure a plentiful supply.