Thousands of Minnesotans have entered their voting era, registering in droves after the presidential debate and Taylor Swift’s Instagram post calling on her fans to turn out in the election.
In her post, which included a photo of Swift with her cat from her TIME Magazine Person of the Year cover in 2023, she endorsed the Democratic ticket of Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz. Her statement also included nonpartisan encouragement to register to vote and on her story, Swift plugged a link to
“The choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early,” Swift said.
The post garnered more than 11 million likes.
And when Taylor speaks, Swifties listen. Between Sept. 9 and Sept. 12, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office recorded more than 20,000 new registrations to vote. On Sept. 12 alone, two days after the presidential debate, 13,000 people completed registration applications. In the week before the debate and Swift’s endorsement, the office recorded an average of 1,300 daily registrations.
Getting registered is the first step in having your voice heard but it can sometimes be overlooked by new voters, Secretary of State Steve Simon said in an statement.
“It’s great to see so many people using their influence to spread the word about the importance of taking part in our shared democracy,” Simon said.
Nationally, Swift’s endorsement of Harris and the call for her fans to vote appeared to have an impact. The link shared to her Instagram story was clicked more than 400,000 times, the General Services Administration and the Election Assistance Commission told The New York Times.