At age 17, Da’Kwon Young was in high school, working two jobs and had spent a year sleeping on his grandmother’s floor.
Two years later, life is measurably better.
Young is now a Mortenson Construction scholarship winner and project-management intern, on track to make around $80,000 a year after he completes his education at Dunwoody College of Technology and joins Mortenson full time next year.
“It’s crazy how I went from being homeless and no plan for my future, to now I’ve got work, a place to live and I’m in college,” said Young, who studies blueprints, tracks down subcontractors and visits build sites to access the tools and materials needed.
Young, who is Black, is joining a select class. According to new data the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis compiled, only 25% of Black Minnesotans made $44,000 a year or more before the pandemic. Half were making less than $26,000, about $15,000 less than the median wage of white Minnesotans.
Black Minnesotans have made economic gains in recent years, such as Black income realizing the fastest growth of any race or ethnicity between 2014 and 2019 when it increased 32% above the rate of inflation. Black unemployment also dropped a little more than half in that same span, down to 4.9%.
But those gains have done little to close the wide disparities that have long existed in Minnesota. When looking at a longer time frame, 2005 to 2019, Black income didn’t grow as fast as other groups. It’s also clear the 2008 Great Recession hit Black Minnesotans the hardest, and it took them the longest to recover. Such income disproportion concerns Black leaders, state officials and economists who noted half of Black wage earners in the state still don’t make enough to live comfortably.
“Blacks are earning 60 percent of what white earners are earning at the median,” said Abigail Wozniak at the Minneapolis Fed. “This is something that Black earners in particular in the United States have been experiencing pretty much since around 2005.”