We recently ran a story in this newspaper about how residents of southwest Minneapolis are "up in arms" over street parking.
The culprit: too many "hip" restaurants bringing too many eager diners into their neighborhoods.
The horror.
Only in Minneapolis would a story about an economic and culinary boom turn into concern over where you are going to park your car. I wonder what Detroit would think of our city's dilemma.
Or perhaps a little closer to home, north Minneapolis? Turns out, the hipster-eateries issue had some traction on the North Side.
When the story ran, Erin Heelan started getting e-mails in her small office above a dentist's office on Broadway in north Minneapolis, all expressing the same reaction.
"Everybody was saying we'd love to have this 'problem,' " said Heelan, executive director of the West Broadway Business and Area Coalition. "I got a few e-mails."
Heelan's workplace sits smack dab in the middle of a bustling street that has plenty of parking, but lots of empty buildings just sitting there waiting for hipsters.