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Earlier this month, Dr. Hilary Cass submitted a report and recommendations to NHS England, of a systematic review of gender services offered by that country’s National Health Service and of the evidence base for gender-affirming care. Cass is a respected pediatrician, who, among other roles, served as president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health from 2012 to 2015.
NHS England commissioned Cass to make recommendations on how to improve NHS gender identity services and ensure that children and young people who are experiencing gender distress receive a high standard of care that meets their needs, and is safe, holistic and effective.
A systematic review is one that uses explicitly defined methods to search for and appraise the quality of published research data and to synthesize the results of studies which meet established quality standards. The study enlisted the help of a Research Ethics Committee and commissioned a Centre for Reviews and Dissemination for the systematic review of the literature and a systematic appraisal of international guidelines used in gender care. The review also included carefully designed stakeholder engagement and interviewed or listened to more than 1,000 patients, family members and providers.
A summary of the findings of the Cass Review, as well as a link to the full report, can be found at tinyurl.com/cass-final.
The report took four years to complete and is 388 pages in length. It is interesting reading, but if you are pressed for time, it will be more expedient to consider this response from the editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal: “The evidence base for interventions in gender medicine is threadbare, whichever research question you wish to consider — from social transition to hormone treatment.” Editors of medical journals do not often use words like “threadbare.”
Questions about the evidence base for gender-affirming care are not new. The Cass Review represents the fourth European country to conduct a review and to restrict the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.