'The corona class': Minnesota lawmakers elected during pandemic adjust to in-person politicking

"We're not real freshmen, but we feel like it," second-term DFL state Rep. Jessica Hanson said.

January 28, 2023 at 8:00PM
Rep. Esther Agbaje, DFL-Minneapolis, and other lawmakers elected in 2020 are adjusting to the pace of this year’s fully in-person legislative session. (Glen Stubbe, Star Tribune file/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Jessica Hanson spent most of her first two years in the Minnesota Legislature participating virtually from her Burnsville home, balancing her legislative duties with being a single mother to two kids who were frequently distance learning.

Hanson and other lawmakers who were first elected in 2020 had to learn how to legislate under unprecedented circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, they're working at the State Capitol full time, a welcome but jarring shift that has some feeling like newcomers all over again.

"We're not real freshmen, but we feel like it," said Hanson, DFL-Burnsville, sharing a sentiment held by lawmakers in the group that's dubbed itself "the corona class." "We really came into this having to do things differently, and so it's kind of our status quo to be flexible."

The return to normalcy at the State Capitol is a welcome sight for the legislators who knew it before and an unfamiliar one for those who had never experienced it. After two years of virtual and hybrid work, their days are once again packed with face-to-face committee hearings, constituent meetings and House and Senate floor sessions.

A reshaped political dynamic has added to the learning curve. Democrats now control the House and Senate and are sprinting ahead with hearings on numerous priority bills, leaving lawmakers new and old scrambling to keep up with the unusually fast pace.

"I'm trying to learn new aspects of the committees I'm on, but unfortunately we're not even getting the time to do that," said second-term Sen. Zach Duckworth, R-Lakeville. "We're just diving in on some very complex, fast-moving legislation."

Duckworth said he found it easier to work with Democrats from afar during the pandemic when control of the Legislature was divided. Democrats now have little incentive to work with Republicans.

"They know that they can push through whatever they want," Duckworth said.

On the DFL side, Hanson said she's having a much easier time collaborating with her colleagues. She can now visit their offices or pull them aside in the hallway to ask if they want to co-sponsor her bills. Reaching out to them all virtually would have taken hours, she said.

"I just love being able to be together," Hanson said.

Rep. Esther Agbaje, DFL-Minneapolis, said the so-called "corona class" has remained a tight-knit group. Agbaje has relished working at the Capitol, though she thinks it has some drawbacks.

Over the past two years, Minnesotans could testify virtually during hearings on issues that mattered to them. That made the Capitol a more accessible place for people who have full-time jobs or live in greater Minnesota, Agbaje said. She and Hanson both said they will advocate to make that a permanent option.

"We just had such a richness during our first two years of testifiers," Agbaje said. "I would love to see that return."

about the writer

Ryan Faircloth

Politics and government reporter

Ryan Faircloth covers Minnesota politics and government for the Star Tribune.

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