The Feeder: Review of 'Birds of Minnesota State Parks'
Our state is blessed with an abundance of state parks, each with stunning vistas, fun things to do and unique natural features. Another of the parks' valuable assets are the resident and migratory birds that live there at least part of the year.
Now, thanks to a collaboration between Bob Janssen, one of Minnesota's top birders, and the Minnesota DNR, there's a great guide that makes it easy to observe and enjoy birds while visiting about 75 public spaces: Janssen's "Birds of Minnesota State Parks"(Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 2015, $19.95).
While 315 bird species are reliably seen in the state, not all birds are found in any single park. If you're on the hunt for a bright indigo bunting, Janssen's book points the way. When the kids are eager to see how truly huge a bald eagle nest is, there are many parks to choose from.
From Blue Mounds in the far southwest corner of the state to Grand Portage at the northeast tip, the book offers concise descriptions of each park, recommended spots for viewing birds, great photos of vistas and birds (some taken by the Birding page's own Jim Williams) and maps to guide you along bird routes within each park.
Have "Birds of Minnesota State Parks" on hand as you plan stops for your next road trip or for a day's outing. Keeping an eye out for birds provides another great reason to visit new places or old favorites in the state park system.
Val Cunningham
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