A Twin Cities murder case has turned into an unlikely legal battle over the First Amendment and the at-times-blurry line between journalism and entertainment.
Last July, Minneapolis police allowed a production company for A&E's true-crime television show "The First 48" to follow and film while they investigated a double homicide in a South Side park. Police ultimately arrested 23-year-old Antonio Fransion Jenkins Jr., a suspected gang member known on the streets as "Popeye," who was charged with eight felonies in connection with the two fatal shootings. Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau signed an access agreement giving the production company rights to all the footage, with the caveat that the department could review a "near final" episode before it aired.
In Hennepin County District Court Friday, the prosecution and Jenkins' public defender demanded that the city turn over the video, arguing that it could contain evidence critical to the case. A Minneapolis city attorney said police can't give up the video because they don't have it. A lawyer for "The First 48" says the show won't provide it, arguing that members of the production crew are protected by laws designed to shield journalists from being forced to divulge sources and information in state courts.
The dispute represents a rare alignment of interests for prosecutors and defense attorneys in a murder trial.
In Friday's hearing, assistant Hennepin County Attorney Vicki Vial-Taylor argued the city must release the video "to ensure a fair trial for everyone." She said that Jenkins' constitutional rights trump any contractual agreement with "The First 48," and that the judge not ordering the release of the footage could "diminish faith in the system."
Taylor said the footage contains interviews with two witnesses, including Jenkins' uncle. She emphasized she has no reason to believe the police have misrepresented those interviews, but said the footage could potentially corroborate or cast doubt on the statements — either of which would be relevant to the case.
Taylor also argued that the police helped create evidence and therefore had a responsibility to preserve it.
Assistant City Attorney George Norris denied that police helped create the footage, and said the video belongs to the production company, not the city or police department.