The Most Intense Storm Ever Measured

By AccuWeather

October 11, 2010 at 7:25PM

In 1979, the amazing life cycle of Super Typhoon Tip spanned from Oct. 4-19,and this mighty storm became the most intense tropical cyclone ever measured.After an unremarkable beginning near the Mariana Islands, Tip began to deepenexplosively after Oct. 9. A two-day pressure drop of 92 millibars, or 2.72inches of mercury, was registered on the 11th, at which time Tip gainedCategory 5 status.

However, it was early on Oct. 12 that a reconnaissance aircraft registered aworldwide record-low pressure of 870 millibars, or 25.69 inches of mercury. Atthe time, the eye was only 9.3 miles across.

Sustained winds reached an estimated 190 mph.

The spread of the storm was staggering with greatest diameter reaching nearly1,400 miles.

Luckily, the major storm fury of Tip was spent over open seas, although it didlater have major impact from Okinawa to the southern mainland of Japan.

Story by Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews

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